Our Bylaws

The following sections are quoted from the WCA bylaws.

Purposes. The Wesleyan Covenant Association (“WCA”) is an association of congregations, clergy persons, and laity who desire to cooperate in the mission of the WCA to promote the ministry of the gospel from a Wesleyan theological perspective within The United Methodist Church and kindred bodies. The WCA is organized exclusively for religious purposes. The purposes for which the WCA is formed include, but are not limited to:

  1. To promote the worship of the Holy Trinity, to preach the pure Word of God, to uphold the rich tradition of sacramental practice, to maintain Christian fellowship, to foster the edification of believers, and to welcome and advance the work of the Kingdom of God on earth.
  2. To be obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).
  3. To support disciples of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the good news of salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and by exemplifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbour, by any suitable method or media, which includes but is not limited to the following:
  4. Connecting local churches who worship Jesus Christ, by using personal evangelism, television and radio, the Internet, conventions, preaching, teaching, missions, and other Christian methods.
  5. Assisting and furthering the proclamation of Scriptural Christianity through printed and digital material, by providing speakers, mentoring, or coaching, and by other instructional and educational programs which may be deemed necessary or convenient in effecting the above purposes; and
  6. Establishing new programs of outreach and ministry, and the strengthening and partnering with existing programs and organizations that have a similar purpose and dedication to presenting Christ as Savior and Lord.
  7. To explore and promote the full ministry of the good and life-giving Holy Spirit throughout the life and work of the church, not least in the entire sanctification of Christian disciples.
  8. To guide the ministries of the WCA within the boundaries of the statement of faith, using accountability processes for congregations, clergy, and lay members as shall be promulgated by the WCA.
  9. To engage in spiritual work and services based upon the authority of the Holy Bible.