Posted by: Jessica Morris_Ivanova

WCA Regional Chapter for Eastern European Elects Additional Council Members and Delegates to the Global Legislative Assembly

On Saturday, 26 February 2022, the Eastern European Regional Chapter of the WCA met by Zoom. As the only WCA regional chapter in Europe, the members have been hard at work in a myriad of ways encouraging other Methodists to join us and to be a part of establishing the Global Methodist Church.

During the meeting our chapter president, Daniel Topalski, gave a report on the activities and milestones that we have reached since the chapter’s inception in July of last year. Some of the highlights were the series of informational Zoom meetings that we have organized between European Methodists and global WCA leaders, our new website and the creation of a WCA social media presence in Europe among other things. New members are continuing to be added to the chapter and now entire congregations can also join.

Another major agenda item was the holding of some elections. Firstly, it was necessary for us to fill a vacancy in the chapter’s council as Gabriella Kopas had previously resigned due to some family challenges. For this reason, Samuel Javornicky was elected to the council and then from the council Vatroslav Župančić was chosen to serve as chair.  Additionally, delegates were chosen to attend the WCA Global Legislative Assembly in the United States during May. Daniel Topalski was chosen as the clergy representative and Samuel Javornicky was elected to be the lay delegate. Furthermore, Daniel Topaslki was chosen as our nomination to the WCA Global Council’s Class of 2024.

The situation in the Ukraine was also discussed as various leaders from Slovakia and Romania shared what they are doing to prepare to host refugees and meet their needs.

The meeting was characterized by a sense of unity and prayer. Rares Calugar led a thought-provoking devotional from Ephesians 3. The president reminded us to continue to fast and pray especially on Fridays for the formation of the new methodist denomination, and we closed with prayer.

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