A word from our chairwoman
Dear Friends,
Let me extend you a warm welcome on behalf of the WCA Eastern European Chapter. It is a great pleasure for us to be able to join together with fellow-Methodists all around our region to pray and plan, to dream
and strategize with hope for our future, as well as to support and encourage each other in these important, yet sometimes concerning times. It truly fills me with joy to see brothers and sisters coming together with
hearts filled with faith and the joy of the Lord. We do, indeed, have a lot to hope for and for which to rejoice. We know our God is faithful, and He is more than able to lead us and give us the wisdom necessary for the months and years ahead.
As in the days of Jeremiah, God́s people continue today to face different challenges yet they always have a choice. We can choose to stand firmly on the Lord’s promises and His word, and to trust in Him alone. To those who do so He has promised continuous nourishment, abundant blessing, and ultimately much fruit. Isn’t it what we long for in our cities, countries, and all of Europe?
Let us stand on the Word of God and obey Him faithfully! Let us put our confidence in Him and rely only on His wisdom and grace even though the world around us spirals into confusion and division. Our regional chapter aims to connect and encourage Methodists in Eastern Europe to build vibrant and healthy churches, which are firmly
rooted in the Word of God in all aspects of the Christian life. Let us encourage and support each other in the process of making disciples, and building a strong and powerful Methodist witness in this region. The regional chapter already represents five different countries, and I believe that, soon many will join our cause.
Rev. Dr. Gabriella Kopas
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